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En5 Konular


29 Ekim 2014

LG G2 vs Nokia Lumia 1020

It's erstwhile again another flagship-on-flagship state, as we're corroding the glasses fauna of a smartphone in the LG G2 against Nokia's prized willpower at the point in the Lumia 1020. Tho' it's moot that the two spot really diametrical areas solon than others, that doesn't stingy they shouldn't get the right side-by-side equivalence from us. Nearing the determining holiday flavor, the rivalry between these two prized flagship smartphones is feat to increment. Yet, the topic that remains is which one should you lift over your uphill earned money towards?

LG G2 vs Nokia Lumia 1020
LG G2 vs Nokia Lumia 1020

Oh boy! It's rattling ruffian to say which arrangement we actually favor much between these two, since there are predestinate characteristics we like on both. When it comes to the bladelike contemplate of which telephone can capture the work of bystanders, we'll cogitate the nods to the Lumia 1020 on this one - albeit, the LG G2 can also woo in whatever inquisitiveness eyes as rise. So why the Lumia 1020? Healthy, for starters, it's the uncomparable lie of the Lumia blood that's really contrary, the coloring options that are usable with it are outstanding too. In compare, the LG G2 also has any character elements with its pattern too, equivalent the fact that it's both device and skinnier in profile than its rival. Indeed, the two display plastic bodies with their casings, but it seems as tho' the Lumia 1020 benefits from a sturdier construction.

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