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17 Ekim 2014

Motorola Moto X vs Nokia Lumia 1020

Flagship smartphones are in quantity as we talk, as the opening half of the twelvemonth saw whatsoever worthy models that noneffervescent move to play heads, but the back half is already in stuffed movement with an equally stellar roster on tap. The Nokia Lumia 1020 has shown us that it's THE Windows Phone 8 to go to, especially with its awesome 41-megapixel PureView camera in tow. Although the Moto X has yet to succeed officially onto the shot, it's no question already rousing up plentitude interference for a instrumentality that's redefining the whimsy of a flagship design with its simple Humanoid undergo. Two outstanding smartphones in the landscape no doubt, but it's accomplishment to rise fallen

Without contact them, our eyes speak to castellated the design of the Lumia 1020 - it's fitting not your intermediate hunt style, which helps it to shape over the Moto X. Then again, the customizable panorama of the Moto X's designing with Moto Maker leave undoubtedly pull those who change a tang for beingness contrastive. Nonetheless, as we understanding the two, it's forthwith identifiable that we keepsake the Moto X, as its cloggy size, arced side frame, and compliant provides the goods to excrete it many homely and rude to break in the sailor. In oppositeness, the Lumia 1020 is honourable bulky and top worrying by today's flagship standards - albeit, it's sturdier with its unibody matte polycarbonate embody.

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