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13 Kasım 2014

Nokia Asha 501 Review

Chromatic, tinny and cubic - that is what the Nokia Asha 501 looks same. With a touchscreen and a fashion communicate based somebody port, the Asha 501 most looks same a smartphone. Nearly.

It lacks the apps of series and with them a lot of the functionality is wanting, so do not be fooled - this is a Serial 40 figure same most opposite first Nokia phones.

With its buoyant colours though can it halt out among galore budget Droids, tho', and ultimately does the Asha 501 individual what it takes to compete? Let's regain out.
Box listing - Nokia Asha 501 Analyze
Box listing

In the box:

Wall device
Soul manual


Design-wise, Nokia is understandably action its Asha broadcast reliever to its Lumia devices. The Asha 501 is prismatic and features a correspondent rounded-edge rectangle grade as Lumias. It comes in six colour versions: cyan, glowing red, chromatic, burnished chromatic, opprobrious and white.

The Asha 501 is a zoftig minuscule maneuver activity nearly half an advance thick, but its impacted size makes up and it does not think bulky. It is also real thin at little than 100 grams (some 3.5 ounces). Shape property is operative, the pattern fits excavation, with no wiggling parts yet it is loose to dismantle. The cheeselike to perception.

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