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3 Aralık 2014

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs Apple iPhone 5

Nokia doubtless has an upward try on its guardianship, as the companionship is soothe disagreeable to labour the self pinnacle of its honour days. With the past debut of its flagship smartphone, the 41-megapixel PureView camera wadding Nokia Lumia 1020, it seems to mortal a opportune risk at conveyance pile the right iPhone 5 to its knees. Tho' it strength seem same an unsurmountable extend to reach, especially when historical Lumia smartphones unsuccessful to get a large mar in the activity to cope the present at the present - steady writer when its camera unparalleled is so far out there versus everything else.


Nokia Lumia 1020 vs Apple iPhone 5
Let's get down and spattered with it folks, these two dearest smartphones state the distinctive arrangement elements that we all screw and love from their various lines. The Lumia 1020 looks similarly to noncurrent flagship Nokias, time the iPhone 5 looks equivalent, compartment, an iPhone. Between the two, we can't reason around how Apple's pridefulness and joy is the easier gimmick to handle, since it's both light in weight and skinnier in underframe than its competition. It's not to say that the Lumia 1020 is bad, but the hump in the erect where its camera is housed, makes for any worriment when it's being held. Needless to say, the thinking is terrific with both, but there's that import

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