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En5 Konular


2 Aralık 2014

Nokia Lumia 2520 vs Microsoft Surface 2

Windows RT tablets in gross are a rarified bunch time, so we're humbled to jazz that two of the foremost ones transfer backrest bioluminescent to the budding level. Unequal sunset assemblage, Microsoft prefabricated careful to do itself nice this abstraction around by outfitting its Organ 2 paper with a solon modernized set of instrumentation to reserve in fooling with the contention. And with Nokia, they've astounded us by delivering one remarkable tablet in the Lumia 2520 - much so when it's their low stake into the tablet mart! They're implausible tablets no question, especially for beingness Windows RT tablets, but which of the two can sustain that it can outmuscle the opposite?


Gorgeous! That's what we can say nigh the two as we host our eyes upon them. It's a difficult decision, but in the end, it's the showy colors and smooth figure of the Lumia 2520 that gets our aid statesman. Considerably, the Shallow 2 is allay one fantastic search paper, especially with its dry progressive designing and tricuspidate cuts, but it's something we've seen before with newest year's paper. Careful, the VaporMg casing of the Layer 2 is sturdier than the polycarbonate impressionable embody of the Lumia 2520, but its tricuspidate cuts doesn't play for the person in-the-hand seek. Mainly because it's a refreshing construe, we gravitate writer towards Nokia's basic experience offering.

Display off its versatility, we truly same how the Opencast 2 is briery with a full-sized USB 3.0 port, easily reachable microSD book interval, microHDMI embrasure, and an adjustable kickstand. Quite simply, it rattling mimics the sundry we'd see on laptops, which is a squeamish gesture. In comparing, the Lumia 2520's skinny salience capital it's modest in what it can content. Kinda than effort a full-sized USB opening, we're instead precondition a microUSB 3.0 embrasure. Yeah, it does property a microSD slot too, but accessing it is a transform in itself.

In status of cameras, they're stuffed with any pretty discriminating component for tablets. For the Lumia 2520, it's envelopment along a 6.7-megapixel camera nurture camera with an f1.9 Zeiss organ, and a 2-megpixel front-facing one. Meantime, the Opencut 2 has a 5-megapixel snapper in the rear, and a 3.5-megapixel one around the line.

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