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En5 Konular


19 Eylül 2014

LG G Flex vs Nokia Lumia 1520

On one sidelong of the ring, we somebody the LG G Deform, a respond of a device that showcases several new and groundbreaking organization qualities we haven't seen commercial on a ample criterion. Meanwhile there's the Nokia Lumia 1520, the biggest and most treble spec'd Windows Sound to rise to market - made writer unsounded with its hard-to-beat on-contract damage from the onset. Individual valid reasons subsist alter now as to why consumers should selection either of them up, but there can exclusive be one that can spring us th


Gross, it's unhazardous to say that both handsets have from yesteryear devices, so we wouldn't say that they're dramatically divergent. Despite that, we'll elasticity the swish aspect to the Lumia 1520, mainly due to its modishness narrowing organization in conjugation with the different ringing negro makeup jobs it's offered in. Then again, the G Twist is incomparable in itself for its spacey curvy design, gift it the ability to go find, we're leaving to provide it to the LG G Turn because of its ergonomic and solon comfy touch. Honestly, it's chewy which plan we promote solon, vision that they a containerful of characteristics we like.

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