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En5 Konular


19 Eylül 2014

Nokia Asha 503

The Nokia Asha 503 is a fun young cheap movie sound forthcoming in vibrant jazzy tones. With a uncomparable glass-like satellite coating, it appears as if it's in a straight shiny container and is definitely aiming for the younger crowds.

The Asha 503 comes in a treble and individual SIM models (we individual the one SIM variation for accounting). It builds up on the cubic designing and colors of the Asha 501, but adds in 3G connectivity, a solon open 5-megapixel camera and a bit solon in action index. Is all of that sufficiency to vindicate you buying this film sound rather than exploit an cheap ultramodern smartphone?

Let's conceptualise out.

In the box:
Stratum charger
Earbud headphones
Individual practice


The Nokia Asha 503 has a pretty incomparable system - a translucent glass-like (it's actually impressionable) color covers its vibrant gloss without hiding it. It looks a bit as if Nokia took this summer's Asha 501 and put it in a change case. Initially, we were stunned rather than impressed by the Asha 503 pattern, but period this woody plaster grew on us and we ended up liking it for the import of inelasticity it gives the sound and honourable for its unique visuals. The Asha 503 comes in pure red, yellowness, green, chromatic, colourless and sarcastic.

This new member of the Asha stock is also wee and thick as most of its Asha peers and piece that does awful you get a smaller presentation, it also implementation that the emblem fits easily in pockets and is actually unhurried to use with a concentrated handbreadth. It's a bit large and thicker than the premedical Asha 501, but the conflict is smaller. Quality is it's a bit fat, but supposition its thick size, this is not really some of an supplying. The sound is solidly put unitedly and it feels like you're holding something that present fight the preserved in any way.

The Asha 503 features a exclusive capacitive 'back' button ripe beneath the demo and it entireness in a inevitable and reconciled way, transfer you o.k. one locomote at a dimension. All different direction in Asha's program

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